2. Recording of working scenarios from the selected department
Step 2 of the Impact Circular Model comes following the selection of the department that will implement the model. The staff in the selected department will need to improve their skills and competences on a set subject, for example communication with immigrant parents. Step 2 includes the design, development and collection of the working scenarios to be used in the selected department. This will facilitate the departments to work on a particular topic or issue identified and to reach its stated aims and goals.
Having explicitly described the aim, the selected department needs to also describe the topic at hand. One example used in the Municipality of Egaleo, was “Communication with immigrants/foreigners parents in a Municipality’s nursery department”. Communication meaning handling the most common requests by foreign parents and how nursery teachers dealt with them. Since this is non-formal training and hands-on-working techniques are to be used, the most effective approach is that of using scenarios of work. These scenarios need to be designed in accordance to the actual work activities at hand in the nurseries, and able to be implemented by the teachers. In the example of the municipality, several seminars were organized for the nurseries to be trained in the IO3 Impact Circular Model as well as workshops to draft working scenarios. A total of five scenarios of use were drafted and distributed in the nurseries for consolidation and confirmation. These actions were recorded and discussed, with an ulterior aim, that of re-use the work and processes in the future.