6. How to re-use the model – transferability guidelines
The overall aim of IO3 Impact Circular Model is to both create an impact but also to have a circular approach, that of being reused and repurposed within an organisation. Having applied all the previous steps, an organisation is now able to re-use the IO3 results within any department. For each step, the organisation has now designed a strategy, the necessary templates and tools to be used, set up the necessary cooperation and networking structures but also created a list and a database of collaborators and trainers to cooperate with. Having successfully designed the Impact Circular Model within, they are now in a position to implement strategic changes and motivational attitudinal changes of their staff.
The example of the Municipality of Egaleo led to a positive feedback from all three levels (organisation, department and staff), allowing subsequently, the interest of a 2nd department to try the model’s implementation. The new department to use the model is the Social Services.