Our public event on the 13th was completed with great success. More than 60 people participated in the event where all the project results and activities were presented. Have a look at our agenda and contact us for the presentations.
Final project conferenceto take place in Athens, Greece on the 13th February 2020 in the Municipality of Egaleo grand conference room. You are welcome to participate and take part of the Q-SER results. The agenda will be published here nearer the time.
Job Shadowing: Job shadowing activities are currently taking place with the mentors pairs providing valuable input to how the 2 Q-SER models are being implemented.
Final project meeting in Athens, Greece: the final project meeting will take place in Athens, Greece in February 2020. Stay tuned for more information and agenda.
Leaflets and other dissemination material are available in the Results section.
Our learning activity is taking place online on the 20-24th January 2020.
Fourth project meeting in Stuttgart, Germany 04/11/2019 – 05/11/2019. The pre-final project meeting took place in Germany with all partners attending. It was combined with a multiplier event with target group members participating and presenting very interesting case studies taking place in Germany. The partners had a very good opportunity to present and compare the […]
Pilot event in Spain: Famsi is selecting the pilot participants to use the online platform in Spain.
Pilot event in Greece: The pilot is currently underway in Greece, testing IO2, IO3 and IO4 with municipality employees and mentoring models with pairs. Results will be published in the respective Results page.
Third meetingin Prague, Czech Republic: 13/05/2019 – 14/05/2019. All partners participated in the meeting where the main topics on the agenda where the two models and the final version of the SCORM multilingual training material. The partners discussed in depth on how the models would be used in the pilot training of the Q-SER project […]